Monday, March 15, 2010

Catching up with F*M and a little shout out.

Well how are you guys doing?Fine we hope.If your follow Fuchsiamula on twitter you would know what Yesterday was =).TROCKKSONN birthday.She turned 20.Guess what?! The ladies of fuchsiamula did a Special episode just for the occasion. Stay tuned it would be up tomorrow.Now back to the topic of today.So remember that sceduale that was put up last friday well its about to be played out! Here we go

The weekend was dope for fuchsiamula. Reina and Trock finally saw eachother out of almost a week *Gasp*.We made plans to take over the world and what night.Had a blast celebrating Trockksonn's birthday.Also Trockksonn made some new "Worn leggings.Check out the pictures below. is what it looks like!. Cut out knees does it look like knee pads? If so POPTASTIC.The floral material was used because Spring is here even though the weather has been a female dog lately.Also thecut out on the left is two different fabrics together Floral and cheetah =) #fuchsiamula approves of course!

Next ones she designed are  These beauties which Reinabarbie loves because of her obession with cheetah.
Their bleached a little in the front and have cut outs at the knew with cheetah fabric? Do you like it? Love it? Leave comments if so =) Trockksonn loves feedback any kind bad or great! Make purchases at
We're not gonna get into detail on Trockksonn's bday events because honestly you had to be there =)
But pictures and the video would be up tomorrow so you can hear the shout outs,Fuchsiamula bloopers and what not.So NEXT I feel like I wanna givea shout to a up and coming model. Shes a supporter of fuchsiamula. Say hi To Sammy!

She's a aspiring model who is ready to take over.
She's a very good friend of Trockksonn.
Its crazy how they met and found out about their similar interest
Check out her Modelmayhem and her twitter =)

She also LOVES "Worn" by Taryn janae!
Peep leggings and head band.

Last but not least a fuchsiamula moment
We freestyled a song randomly about haters
Who had no life and shit lol.The chorus went like this

Go run to your laptop to check out what Im doing!
Bitch you on my dick [d.i.c.k]
Video coming soon.

Bye lovelies!

1 comment:

  1. ahh she's rocking your headband and it looks quite good on her :)
